Sunday Satsang: ON SUMMER HIATUS
No Sunday Satsang Will Resume in the Fall with Jim Nelson and Michael Smith ...
Guru Purnima 2016
Guru Purnima 2016 Guru Purnima Events' Schedule Tuesday, July 18, 2016 5:30pm - 7:00pm: Community and Family Supper 7:00pm - 8:45pm: Conversations and discussion with Swami R...
Thursday Satsang – June 23 R...
Thursday Satsang - June 23 - Wudang Mountain Daoist Meditation with Master Zhong Xue Wudang Mountain has a long history of meditation practices spanning over two thousand years....
Drop In – Hatha Classes
Drop-In Hatha Classes (Ongoing) Everyone is Welcome These classes are for all levels. Instructors excel at leading the class in relaxation, gentle asana (yoga positions) and pr...
Hatha II – Integrated / Continu...
Hatha II - Intermediate / Continuing Class Open to anyone who has taken previous Hatha I classes and is developing a practice or aspiring to re-energize a dormant practice. A...
Practice Means to Awaken the Conscience
You will have to practice for a long time. Abhyasa-vairagyabhyam nirodhah. Practice means repetition of the same thing again and again and again to form a strong habit. Habit...
Volunteer Opportunities
Share your talents! Volunteering Opportunities at The Meditation Center Consider joining a committee in 2020. Current committees would love new members and the light and bril...
2016 – 40 Day Spiritual Festiva...
2016 - 40-Day Spiritual Festival June 10-July 19, 2016 Each summer during the 40 days that precede Guru Purnima, sadhakas are invited to participate in the 40 Day Spiritual Fest...
2nd International Day of Yoga Tuesday...
Use of logo courtesy of the Government of India. Open Meditation and Prayers 6:00am Twelve Sun Salutations with Mary Bowman-Cline 7:00am - 7:45am Guided Meditation with Swami...
Sunday Satsang: Study of – Per...
June 5, 2016 - Bhagavad Gita Study (continues) 10 AM - 12 PM The Meditation Center This coming Sunday the study of Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita will continue wi...
Thursday Satsang – July 16, 201...
Thursday Satsang: Intro to Shri Vidya - 16 July 2016 In this Thursday Eve Satsang, Pandit Dabral will briefly introduce the topic of "Intro to Shri Vidya", which is the theme o...
Shri Vidya, the Supreme Science
Shri Vidya, the Supreme Science Day 1: Saturday: June 18, 2016 9:00am- 5:00pm Day 2: Sunday: June 19, 2016 10:00am - Noon Havan with special Gayatri mantra (This is an optio...